Edward Lear
This is another Hugo finalist for Best Related Work, published by Castalia House. It’s a book-length work, coming in at 236 pages.

Day starts the narrative with his run for the presidency of SFWA, noting deficiencies in the way the organization was running at the time. One of the examples he gives is that in 2013 the organization supported particular publishers and refused to admit writers who published with smaller houses or who self-published; another was how voting was restricted to only particular elite members (some of these issues have since been corrected). Day then moves on to outline the practices of social justice extremists who act as thought police, attacking people as a means to further their agenda without regard to the “truth” of the accusation. His main thesis is that individuals should take a stand against these SJW extremists and provide a counter activism.

One of Day’s problems is that his tone can be annoying to some readers. Plus, he gets personal, attacking people he’s got issues with. However, he does make some good arguments here. He tends to be focused on the fate of white males (presumably because he looks like one), but fails to note that attacks by extremist SJWs (such as person-of-color Requires Hate, for example) often target people of color, as well. He’s explaining his own activism here, and it’s an interesting look into his philosophy. Three stars.